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Classes for Graduates from our Foundation and TopUp Courses

If you have completed one of our Foundation Courses (Puppy or Adult) and our TopUp Course, then the Junior and Advanced Classes are your next step. 

What are the Junior and Advanced Classes

Sam Border Terrier and Rosette.jpg

Some owners are just looking to get basic training in our Foundation Courses and they are not interested in longer term classes. There is nothing wrong with that as our Foundation (and TopUp) courses provide a great foundation (excuse the pun). However, many dogs really enjoy, need and benefit from regular training and mental stimulation, particularly working breeds like gundogs, guard and herding breeds. We find though that all breeds love our training classes, whether they are sighthounds, scenthounds, spitz breeds and companion breeds for example. And of course training classes aren't just for the dogs, many owners want to do more than just the basics with their dog... and that's what our Junior and Advanced Classes are for. 

What happens in our Junior and Advanced Classes

The Junior and Advanced Classes are designed to progress the training and skills acquired in our Foundation and TopUp courses. However, that's not the only purpose. We also want to provide a safe and relaxed environment where dogs and owners can enjoy various canine activities in addition to just the traditional obedience exercises and where they can socialise and meet their friends regularly (dogs and people alike). So here is a summary of what we do: 


🔵 Obedience: aiming to get good control of your dog. Of course a substantial part of the training is obedience based. Good obedience is needed in everyday life and also for the many other canine activities that are available these days. To give us structure and goals, we also work towards the following assessments (though they are completely volutary). 


🧑‍🎓 Kennel Club Good Citizen Awards

🧑‍🎓 WTDT Achievement Awards (our internal award system including more than just obedience exercises)


🟢 Basic Agility and Hoopers: we do not have contact equipment, but jumps, tunnels, a weave and hoops, to teach the dogs something different and provide a fun experience. 


🟠Scentwork: teaching the dogs to look for a treat or a specified scent amongst a variety of items on the floor and chairs turns for many dogs (and owners) into one of the favourite sessions. It is also an extremely beneficial activity for the dogs as using their noses addresses an important need they have.


🟣 Fun and Games: this usually includes trick training at different levels. It's a session where we teach the dogs different tricks and exercises that are fun for both dogs and owners and allows the dog to use their body and brain in perhaps less usual ways to develop further skills. We have been known to teach them to walk backwards, twist and turn, unroll a mat, weave through legs or even skate board. 


Vera Marney, WTDT Owner and Instructor, runs the Junior and Advanced Classes in Blo' Norton and Wretham. Pet dog training is what she has the most experience in as that's where she started herself over 30 years ago, and she also has practical experience with competitive obedience, agility, scentwork and trick training. 

When, where and how


Thursday evenings from 5 pm to 9 pm in Blo' Norton

Saturday mornings from 10 am to 1 pm in Blo' Norton

Friday evenings from 7 pm in Wretham


WHERE: Blo' Norton Village Hall and Wretham Village Hall


HOW: Weekly sessions, pay-as-you-go, £10/session


Note: only for dogs that have completed our Foundation and TopUp courses. 

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