for Puppies and Adult Dogs
Personalised and Individual Help with Obedience, Lifeskills and Behaviour Issues
You are thinking about having a HOME VISIT from our qualified and experienced Behaviourist Vera Marney, but you are not sure what it entails...
It is called a HOME VISIT as your home is normally where we start. We will come to you where we will meet your dog, you and your family which will allow us to assess your dog in their normal environment where they are comfortable.
During a PUPPY HOME VISIT we will answer all of your questions about your puppy, their management and training, and provide you will all the information you need to help your puppy develop into the dog you want him to be.
During a BASIC or COMPREHENSIVE HOME VISIT, we will discuss your dog's history, their lifestyle and of course what the issues are that you would like to address.
For further assessment and to start the training process will also go for a walk with you and your dog if that's where the problems occur.
We will talk about our findings and explain what the underlying issues are and we will of course discuss what training is needed to help you shape your dog into the family member and canine good citizen that you want him to be.
The Behaviour Modification Plan will cover any necessary lifestyle changes, management adjustments and the actual training/behaviour modification to address the underlying training or behaviour problem.
Follow-up sessions can take place in your home, on your walks, in town, at the vets... we'll go anywhere with you where you need the help.
PUPPY HOME VISIT (£105 plus travel)
A Puppy Home Visit lasts approximately 2 hours and takes place in your home or online via Zoom. A Puppy Home Visit session is ideal for owners who are not sure how to train and take care of their new puppy or simply to get some advice whilst waiting for Puppy Classes.
A Puppy Home Visit covers the following areas: house training, play biting, chewing, socialisation, basic obedience training and handling, general care and answering any questions you might have.
PUPPY PACKAGE (£280 plus travel)
This package includes the Puppy Home Visit as above but then adds 4 1-hour training sessions where basic obedience and handling is covered more extensively and tailored to your personal requirements both in your home and on your walks.
BASIC HOME VISIT £105 (plus travel)
A Basic Home Visit takes place in your home or where you normally walk, or alternatively online via Zoom.
Most behaviour and training issues can be covered including obedience and control issues like recall problems, pulling on the lead, chasing bikes, joggers or cars, lack of focus and similar issues as well as separation anxiety, house training etc.
A first session is up to 2 hours and any follow-up sessions (if needed) up to an hour (£50 plus travel or £135 for 3 sessions).
HOME VISIT PACKAGE (£280 plus travel)
This package includes the Basic Home Visit and 4 1-hour sessions.

A Comprehensive Home Visit is needed for more complicated issues like aggression, severe nervousness or multiple behaviour issues. This consists of a first visit of about 2 hours, then a follow-up session and a written report. Depending on the behaviour problem, more than one follow-up session is sometimes necessary.
This training can also be provided online via Zoom. However, this obviously does not include any practical training on walks as such, but can be very helpful to help understand what and why it's happening and to start addressing those issues.